Level 1 InspiredDeva Inspired Stylist
Completed our hands-on Level 1 course, featuring foundational cutting and color techniques
This revolutionary cutting technique was designed for all natural textures, from wavy to super curly. Hair is sculpted curl-by-curl, while dry, in its natural state. This service includes a transformation service.
DevaCurl Transformation
From wavy to super curly, the beauty of this service is the customized design for every client. This luxurious process begins with a healthy botanical cleanse and condition, followed by a styling and coaching session for at-home curl care.
This revolutionary cutting technique was designed for all natural textures, from wavy to super curly. Hair is sculpted curl-by-curl, while dry, in its natural state. This service includes a transformation service.
DevaCurl Transformation
From wavy to super curly, the beauty of this service is the customized design for every client. This luxurious process begins with a healthy botanical cleanse and condition, followed by a styling and coaching session for at-home curl care.
Level 1 Inspired
Completed our hands-on Level 1 course, featuring foundational cutting and color techniques
DevaCurl Transformation
Service Received: DevaCut
When i looked at Devacut demo videos online, I always noticed that the cuts were not a lot shorter, just better. I had been faithfully going curly for about 2 months and loved the way my low lighted grayish hair was growing longer and stronger. I have a lot of shrinkage, (several inches), so when I sat down in this stylists chair, I made sure to tell her I just wanted the stragglers nipped, no length off, and keep my layer cut with more off the top and sides , because those areas were getting heavy. She had me lay down in the chair (very uncomfortable) , and let my hair hang off back of chair. When she began I heard whack, whack, like she was cutting off a lot of hair, and thought it sounded quite different than the snip snip I had seen in those demos. Finally, she had me sit up straight and I was absolutely shocked to see my shoulder length hair up to chin length. There was a huge pile of hair on the floor, all my beautiful curls that I worked on faithfully were cut off and my hair was bobbed, shorter in the back, longer in front, with no layers left. I fought back tears as I realized she had completely decimated my hair, changing the shape of it , and not doing ANYTHING I asked her to do! It is a mess, and now I am going back to my regular stylist to get some layers in top and sides. It will take me a year to grow it out again. (My hair is thinning because of age). I look like a triangle head. I told her it was too short, and she told me “it is sassy and modern now”! I guess it really didn’t matter what I wanted. I trusted her because she was certified. Every time I look in the mirror I want to cry. I had been getting compliments on my hair, now people just say, “wow, your hair is short”. It has destroyed my confidence.